Created Tuesday 21 August 2012 10:28
On "Linux Essentials"from Linux Professional Institute (LPI) :: \ To secure the Certificate of Achievement in Linux Essentials, [the student] should be able to demonstrate a (n):\
Understands the basic concepts of processes, programs and the components of an Operating System.
Has a basic knowledge of computer hardware
Demonstrates a knowledge of Open Source Applications in the Workplace as they relate to Closed Sourc equivalents.
Understands navigation systems on a Linux Desktop and where to go for help.
Has a rudimentary ability to work on the command line and with files.
Can use a basic command line editor.
Detailled objectives from Linux Professional institute can be found here.
\ This syllabus covers:\
The Linux community and a career in open source
Finding your way on a Linux system
The power of the command line
The Linux operating system
Security, file permissions & anonymity
All objectives from Linux Professional Institute (LPI) are covered by the syllabus for this course; furthermore the syllabi of modules 1 & 2 from European Computer Driving Licence Foundation :: (ECDL/ICDL) are covered with Ubuntu 12.04 as OS (syllabus for Module 1 from ECDL/ICDL here, for Module 2 here)\ The student having learned these skills should thus be able to pass the exam for LPI "Linux Essentials" plus ICDL module 1 & 2.\ After having participated in the course and being approved by the teacher the student should receive something like "Diploma for Participation in 'Linux Essentials with Ubuntu' ".\ \
philosophy, history
Choosing distribution
Redhat, Debian, Android
Ubuntu, flavours of Ubuntu
The Ubuntu Dimension
getting & trying out
installing & finishing
The Ubuntu Desktop
the elements, their characteristics & functions
files & file management
file system structure
customizing & accessability
Working with Ubuntu
applications, setting up; Ubuntu One, graphics, sound & video
network setup and use
router, LAN, wireless, dhcp
office work
different GUIs
Gnome KDE, Xfce, lxde, window managers
hardware handling
displays, printers, sound, webcam, scanning, other devices
installation, update & upgrade software with
command line
Server programs
Programming languages
The terminal
using the terminal
getting help
file system structure
common commands
man, info, apropos, whatis, whereis, which, pwd,
whoami, users, who, w, last
ls, tree, cat, echo, head, tail, less, ln, wc
cd, mv, cp, touch, mkdir, rm, rmdir
free, ps, top, dmesg
find, grep, xargs
tar, gzip, gunzip, bzip2, bunzip2, xz, unxz, zip, unzip
ssh, su, sudo
chgrp, chown, chmod
*, ?, [ ], >, >>, 2>, &>, \<, \<\<, \<>, |
nano, pico
vi, vim
commands in scripts
shebang, variables, conditional expressions, loops, functions, exit value
log files
Linux filesystem
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
directories & contents
router, LAN, wireless, dhcp
Security & anonymity
users & groups
GUI tools
command line
firewall, encryption
anti virus, spam fighting
proxy, Tor, censorfree DNS
Troubleshooting & repairing a system