This is a list of all resources that are relevant to our projects. Please share ideas here!

Larger collections (please note data size)

- [Project Gutenberg]( 29,500 ebooks on a DVD ~7G or 650G. This is no longer relevant, thanks to Kiwix.
- Wikipedia - 40G
- Wikipedia images - ~1 TB
- [Wiktionary]( ~2GB
- Why Democracy ~30G
- Why Poverty (coming out July 2013)
- [Khan Academy Lite]( ~50G [Downloading videos](wiki:Khan)
- [Academic Torrents]( - Various collections of datasets and publications for University level research etc.
- [Open Street Maps]( of the region where the computer centers are located.  
- []( is based on Moodle, may we can fetch the contents somehow?
- [Practical Action]( is huge a collection of information directly targeted at conditions relevant to everyday life in Malawi etc.
- []( - free and very new training videos of great length and quality, especially life skills, health, DIY
- [This list]( of 7 online sources for license-free art and photos
- [UN Photo]( - over 800,000 images, rights are restricted, need to ask permission
- [onebillion's onecourse](
- [LIBRARYSTACK]( Combining database, index, archive, publisher and distributor, Library Stack connects digital ephemera from the arts, design, theory and architecture fields to global library systems, so these publications can be discovered and accessed by a wider public.


We are giving [Kiwix]( its own section because it has so many interesting distributions and makes them accessible in a very easy fashion.

- [PhET]( 12 MB
- Project Gutenberg, English, 40 GB
- TED talks, all talks of 2014 are around 60 GB
- Wikibooks, 1.2 GB
- Wiktionary, 890 MB
- Wikivoyage, 800 MB
- Wikipedia for schools, 6,000 articles selected by SOS childrens villages. 2.4 GB
- Wikipedia, 40 GB, 4.6 mil articles, 3.6 mil media files
- [OER4Schools](, 2.2 GB

Smaller collections (data size not an issue)

- [Why Poverty For Educators]( 55 pages PDF **No license stated**
- [Gule Wankule database]( **Rights pending**
- Camara educational books (already packed)
- [Ubuntu Manual](
- Human Rights -- resource needed, which version? Upload a PDF!
- Gap Minder, Linux program + data available for offline user:
- [Big History Project]( Available for non-commercial use and distribution. However, unclear how to download everything, but texts can be found for offline use.
- [Hesperian Health Guides]( Lots of free PDF books on health (ask for perm. to distribute)
- [Hesperian links to other resources](
- [Population of Malawi]( - Not packed, should contact them. They have books and videos about family planning etc.
- [Tiddlywiki]( - A quick and dirty wiki.  It all is packed into a single file.  
- [UN-Habitat Publications]( - Need to collect these great PDFs!
- [UN Malawi Publications](
- [OECD iLibrary](
- [Positive Negatives]( set of educational digital comics
- [Energypedia](, a new giant collection of articles with expert knowledge about alternative energy