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FAIR Denmark has closed up its workshop. This blog post gives more background on why why decided not to continue FAIR Denmark and what we think needs to change to make similar work succeed in the future.
Context: If you aren't familiar with our work in the past >1 decade, you should try scrolling through our photo galleries.
This blog post starts with a lot of analysis, but …
We are closing up shop and will look for something else to do in the future.
It's been an amazing journey lasting over 10 years. Perhaps the best way to experience it is in our photo timeline, containing hundreds of photos and descriptions of events.
During the pandemic in 2020, we stopped having income to sustain our costs. We used up our reserves to pay rent for our workshop …
Før, vi siger mere: Alle er opfordrede til at melde sig ind i FAIR, og vi hører fortsat gerne fra virksomheder, der ønsker samarbejde om socialt ansvarlig genbrug og videreformidling af it-udstyr.
Vi har valgt at opsige lejekontrakten til vores værksted, som vi har haft i over 10 år. Værkstedet var ellers bygget forfra for 5 år siden og blevet til et lille mesterværk bygget af frivillige efter mange års …
Vi har udtrykt foreningens arbejde i ord og printet dem. På 60 sider. Derfor vil vi gerne invitere forbi vores værksted, hvor man kan hente en kopi og sige hej.
Hvornår: Onsdag d. 15. januar kl. 17:30-19:00
Hvor: FAIRs værksted, Birkedommervej 31, 3. sal
På samme tid vil vi gerne sende et stort tak til:
We put the work of FAIR and partners into words, pictures and stories... and printed it in a little 60 pages A5 booklet. Therefore, please feel invited to pass by our workshop, pick up a copy and say hello.
When: Wednesday January 15th, 17:30
Where: Our workshop, Birkedommervej 31, 3. sal
At the same time, we would like to use the opportunity to say a big thanks …
Vi deler visionerne fra Right to Repair bevægelsen - Retten til at Reparere. Vi er også enige i den kritik, der rejses: Hvis du ikke kan reparere dit udstyr, ejer du det ikke - som Self-Repair Manifesto fra iFixit siger.
FAIRs nøgle-aktivitet handler om istandsættelse og genbrug: Vi forbereder it-udstyr til et nyt liv. Vi har brug for reparation, dersom istandsættelse ikke kan lade sig gøre uden muligheder for …
We believe in the visions from the Right to Repair movement and the criticism that it puts forward: If you cannot fix it, you do not own it, as the Self-Repair Manifesto from iFixit says.
FAIR’s key activity is refurbishment. We prepare used products for a new life. We need repair, as proper refurbishment cannot take place without the ability to introspect, dismantle, diagnose and fix products. We take out …
FAIR provides ICT equipment for education in Malawi: We receive equipment from Danish companies and organizations. We safely wipe their data and ensure that the equipment has the quality to be transferred for a new year-long life at Malawian secondary schools. In this way, a single computer or laptop can reach hundreds of youths that would likely otherwise lack access to information technology in their education.
The equipment …
Anders Kjærulff har lavet en podcast for Forbundet af It-professionelle i Danmark, PROSA, og besøgte Benjamin og Ove på værkstedet til en snak om, hvad vi laver -- mest i Danmark. Så hvis du er interesseret i, hvad man laver som frivillig og hvordan computere bliver overskrevet, så lyt med her!
FAIR Denmark is 10 years old! In those 10 years, we have contributed with nearly 3,000 computers to Malawi, and a lot of people have been involved in doing so! We have also received funds to pay for transport, workshop rent, flights and contributions to local actors in Malawi. This has been a hard struggle, worth fighting, and we are fit for more!
Actually, a lot more! This can scale …