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FAIR Denmark has closed up its workshop. This blog post gives more background on why why decided not to continue FAIR Denmark and what we think needs to change to make similar work succeed in the future.
Context: If you aren't familiar with our work in the past >1 decade, you should try scrolling through our photo galleries.
This blog post starts with a lot of analysis, but …
Under pandemien fandt vi nye samarbejder. Gennem 39 online-møder organiserede et hold fra Mzuzu Universitets ICT Department, Datalogisk Institut på Københavns Universitet og FAIR en begivenhed for at skabe nye fællesskaber i Malawi omkring data science: Studerende, forskere og undervisere inden for feltet data science mødtes til en uge med oplæg og øvelser. Det skete også takket være økonomisk støtte fra ACMs KDD-gruppes Community Impact Program. Begivenheden blev navngivet …
During the pandemic, we found new ways of collaborating. Through 39 online meetings and counting, a team from Mzuzu University’s ICT Department and Copenhagen University’s Computer Science Institute and FAIR organized an event for a new community in Malawi: Students, researchers and lecturers in the field of data science met up in a week-long training and project workshop whereby new relationships were formed. This happened not least with financial support …